Classic Wedding photography $2000
Up to 5 hours of documentary-style wedding photography: wedding ceremony, wedding reception.
- All images processed in Photoshop correcting color, brightness, some skin corrections, crop, contrast.
- Experienced Professional Photographer
- Creative effects added to some images
- All images in High Resolution
- Online Web Gallery of highlight images online for 6 months
- Wedding Album with (120) 4×6 prints
- (1) 8×10 prints
- (24) wallets (2 images 12 wallets each)
Please allow 4 weeks to process images and create prints, create wedding album. Web Gallery can be viewed prior.
Payment for Classic photography
25% non-refundable deposit due 2 weeks before the wedding date and signed contract are required to reserve the date.
Remaining balance due at end of wedding / photo session ; cash, money order, personal check
We accept Personal Checks, Money orders, Travelers checks, Cash
Premium Wedding packages $4000:
Up to 7 hours of documentary-style wedding photography: pre-wedding preparations of bride and groom, wedding ceremony, wedding reception.
- All images processed in Photoshop correcting color, brightness, some skin imperfections, crop, contrast. ( We love to add texture, grain, saturation and contrast to images as we dedicate hours after the wedding to ensure consistent results. Our philosophy is quality time and effort)
- Experienced Professional Photographer
- Creative effects added to some images
- All images in High Resolution
- Online Web Gallery of highlight images online for one year
- Wedding Album with (250) 4×6 prints
- (3) 8×10 prints
- (48) wallets (4 images 12 wallets each)
Please allow 4 weeks to process images and create prints, create wedding album. Web Gallery can be viewed prior.
Payment for Premium Wedding packages
50% non-refundable deposit due 2 weeks before the wedding date and signed contract are required to reserve the date.
Remaining balance due at end of wedding / photo session cash, money order, personal check
We accept Personal Checks, Money orders, Travelers checks, Cash